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DivePlan - Decompression software Decompression software for SymbianOS based phones and PDAs
1551 |
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DMMtr5 - Mobiler Datenlogger Elektrische Serienmessungen und graphische Darstellung mit einem Psion und einem Multimeter mit RS232 Schnittstelle.
1944 |
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Dolphin maritim Software Ltd Specialists in Maritime Software and Handheld Computers
1156 |
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Dr. Röbbe Wünschiers Presently, you can download a Buffer Calculator,the Berlin Clock, GeoGrid (a geographical calculator), and ToastMaster (a speech organizer) for the 5mx Series and Revo.
1069 |
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Software for pda psion Softwares for Psion PDA
1373 |
26 |
Epoc32 Freeware A collection of FreeWare for EPOC32 computers (über web.archive.org)
1727 |
27 |
EpocBoulevard Mobilis in mobile ... Portail francophone dédié aux ordinateurs de poche tournant sous EPOC
1134 |
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EpocSync Welcome to FreEPOC
1058 |
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Epocware Dictionaries, localization, games and other software
1133 |
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Epoczone EPOC website, for users of EPOC and SIBO PDAs (über web.archive.org)
1647 |
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EZBank v3.44 Welcome to the EZBank homepage. Here you can obtain up-to-date copies of my range of software. (über web.archive.org)
1269 |
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FatCatz Innovative Mobile Software
1376 |
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Greg Love FinCalc5 is a shareware financial calculator for the Psion Series 5. It incorporates complex discounted cashflow analysis into a user-friendly graphical interface.
1304 |
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Frank Fiedler Freeware-Programme "AgnPrint" und "AgnClean" für EPOC
1053 |
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Freepoc Wie der Name schon sagt - sehr gute Freeware für ER5
1587 |
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JurFREE JurFREE - kostenlose Programme von Juristen für Juristen von RiAG Franz Dimbeck
1188 |
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Gary's Psion Page Having started with the original Psion CM organiser, I've always been a fan of these amazing small computers.
1086 |
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Glenn Strong I have made some basic console mode ports to Epoc. They are available here.
1081 |
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Greatape Software Great Ape Software home page. Games software for Epoc computers
1299 |
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Handango The Psion Software Store
1177 |