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Automatisches Formatieren von OPL Quellcode Nie mehr von Hand Programzeilen ausrichten - das übernimmt dieses Macro von U. Hornstein
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Beispiele und Tools Dieter´s Psion Seite (über
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Crossfire Crossfire is the leading enterprise-class solution for mobile application development.
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Eikon Application Wizard EikonWizard is a Visual C++ 5 (6 should also work) compatible Wizard for creating basic Eikon applications.
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ELKS Website ELKS (Embeddable Linux Kernel Subset) Kernel Releases
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EMCC Software Download des OPL-Klassikers" Programming Psion Computers" (mittlerweile vergriffen), jedoch als kostenloses eBook im PDF-Format erhältlich (Download des 642 Seiten starken Buches) . Die ehemals beiliegende CD-ROM mit den Programmbeispielen gibt es gegen Ersatz der Versandkosten ebenfalls kostenlos! (über
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EnCode for EPOC/Psion 5, 5mx, 7, Revo, Revo+ The application protector
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EPOC Panic Codes EPOC Panic Codes
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EPOC Programming Resources Home of the EPOC programming language OOPL and of the Psion-Java free public-domain project. Also contains other homegrown gems for EPOC as well as development-related documentation. (über
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EPOC32 OPXs Downloads EPOC32 OPXs, OPL Applications, Psion 5 C/C++ Programming Tools, Library Sources, Applications
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Henner Keßler Auf der Suche nach Software, dem deutschen OPL-Handbuch, ein paar netten Emulatoren, etc. ???
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Johann Engbers Johanns Psionseite: Tipps, Tricks, Software, Links, OPL (über
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Keith Walker's Home Page This is the home page for announcements on the tools that we have built for use with the Psion 5
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mBrain Software - Developers mBrain Software - Developers
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MITData, S.C.P. A programming editor for the OPL16 / 32 language, a basic and powerful Symbian language for the EPOC operating system
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OPL-Tipps Whilst I'm developing OPL programs for EPOC based machines I will keep note of any useful tips I discover and make them available on this page.
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OPLZone at ProSoft OPLZone - Loads of helpful stuff about OPL Programming
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PsiLinux PsiLinux is a project to port the unix-like operating system Linux to a group of palmtops produced by Psion, and related machines such as the Geofox One.
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Psionwelt Java Corner Mit der Einführung einer Java-Runtime für den Serie 5 mx ist der Zahl der lauffähigen Anwendungen für das EPOC 32 Betriebssystem (mit installierter JMV) steil gestiegen.
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SISRead 2.3.0 von Luca Cassioli Extracts all SIS file for any PSION/EPOC/Symbian release from ER1 to ERx (Symbian = ER6)
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