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Looking for Psion abandonware
geschrieben von: PsionArchivist (---.bytecity.eu)
Datum: 10. März 2021 21:40

Sorry if I'm typing in English in a German forum, but I need some help in completing my Psion software collection; since there are so few Psion websites still alive, I though that it might be worth a shot.
There are some programs that I've been unable to find so far (except for demos or rare and overpriced second hand copies): can you please help me in getting them?

This is what I'm looking for:

  • Expense Manager (Palmtop)
  • Halliwell's Film & Video Guide (Palmtop)
  • The Portable Chef (Palmtop)
  • Collins Dictionaries: English/Italian, English/Spanish, English/German (Palmtop)
  • Flight Manager (Palmtop)
  • Mindtools (Widget Software)
  • Timebase 7 (Widget Software).
I'm also missing the library of sample sound files which was usually supplied with Sound Master.
Thanks to anyone who will help!

Re: Looking for Psion abandonware
geschrieben von: Thomas U. (PW) (Moderator)
Datum: 10. März 2021 22:14


English should be no problem, but we use our names here.

You can have a look at the Psion Users facebook-group for files.

Best regards


1-mal bearbeitet. Zuletzt am 2021:03:10:22:14:52.

Re: Looking for Psion abandonware
geschrieben von: Amadeus (---.bytecity.eu)
Datum: 25. April 2021 20:34

Hi everyone,

I just saw all the items you are looking for on ebay. have fun

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