
ExAb 7.11 - die letzte Version?

Huub Linthorst updated sein Multi-Tool ExAb auf Version v.7.11 vom 24.01.2002. Einige kleine Programmfehler wurden bereinigt. Jedoch übermittelte uns Huub folgende Meldung: 'My 5mx died a sudden death today and I'm not sure whether to buy a new 5mx/MC218. As these devices are the minimum requirement to continue EPOC5 OPL programming, this could well be the end of my programming career. Unfortunately, the latest source file went down with the 5mx and apart from a new device, it will take time and effort to restore it. Luckily, I had just assembled the last modifications into a new ZIP release. So for the last time: ExAb 7.1'