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Psion Series 3: Ground Attack 3000 [EN]
geschrieben von: cyningstan (---.karoo.KCOM.COM)
Datum: 13. März 2015 07:40

Hello everyone,

Sorry for making my first post in English: my German is not good enough to make any sense. I was told did an English message would be acceptable here.

I am finishing development of a new strategy game for the Psion Series 3, and Wondered if anyone would like to help me test it. Does anyone have one of breastfeeding synthesis machines to play with? The 3a, 3c, 3mx or Siena would run the game fine, though you need good eyesight on the Siena, and the S3 / S3a emulators will run the game too. If you would like to help, then please send me a reply!

The game currently works only in English. The OPL source code will be available, though, as a German translation would be very welcome. I've attached the manual so you can see Exactly what kind of game this is.

Damian Walker

Anhänge: Ground3000pdf.zip (689.8KB)  

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