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Kontakte, Contacts

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# Weblink Zugriffe
1   Link   C2F (Contacts to File)
C2F is a small freeware application by Malcolm Bryant which reads your Contacts database and writes user-selected fields to a standard comma or tab-delimited ASCII file. You can then import them into Data or any other program which imports standard ASCII files. (über
2   Link   ContactC
ContactC brings data from Contacts to your documents in a fully customisable fashion. (über
3   Link   ContactLoader
(über web.archive): Utility to allow you to use multiple contacts files with the inbuilt Contacts application. Toggle between the current Contacts file on the 5mx and any other you generate with ContactLoader. (über
4   Link   Contacts+
This program is designed to beat 'Contacts' limitation - one contacts book only. Contacts+ lets you use as many contact books as you want shifting them in an easy way. CONTACTS+ NOW FREEWARE!
5   Link   ContactX
ContactX is indispensable if you wish to keep groups of contacts separated. This applies in particular to synchronising business contacts with office systems, where private contacts need to be kept out. (über
6   Link   ConvertData
A pen driven Psion 5mx program to facilitate the transfer of data from the Series 5 Data application to the new Series 5mx & Revo Contacts application. FREEWARE.
7   Link   Customer Relation Manager
Mit diesem Programm verwalten Sie Ihre Ansprechpartner in anderen Firmen. (über
8   Link   DataContact
DataContact is a small utility to import Data files into Contacts.
9   Link   DreamConnect
DreamConnect is a contact management application that saves you time and increases convenience in managing your contact information.
10   Link   iContacts
This is a full-blown contacts management system. iContacts offers full compatibility with the built-in Contacts app. However, it is much more than standard Psion Contacts application. You can use folders to store related iContacts together, e.g. for work contacts and home use. All folders and iContacts are organised in "tree" structure and you can keep limitless numbers of subfolders and iContacts in each folder.
11   Link   MoreContacts 1.01F
Mit diesem Tool können Sie auf einer Epoc Release 5 Maschine auch mehr als nur eine Kontakt-Datenbank verwenden.
12   Link   MultiContacts
an extension of EPOC Contacts Application, which makes it possible to have several Contact Lists. In a sense, MultiContacts introduces a concept of "Contacts Categories" to the EPOC Platform.
13   Link   PhoneManPro
Phonman, das inzwischen als Freeware zur Verfügung gestellt wird, ist wohl das bekannteste Programm zur Verwaltung der Kontakte auf dem Psion und dem Handy. SMS und Logos senden, Klingeltöne auf das Handy überspielen und Vieles mehr ist mit Phoneman möglich. Zenobyte hat seine Seiten inzwischen eingestellt; eine Kopie des Programms findet Ihr bei Martin Guthrie unter "lost & found"
14   Link   PIMdeLux
PIMdeLux is a PIM application integrated with the standard Calendar and Contacts applications in the most possible way and therefore uses the standard applications without changing them. (über
15   Link   Psi-Sync
Psi-Sync converts your Outlook Contacts to a Data file called Contacts on the Psion. (über
16   Link   RMRContact
RMRContact hilft nicht nur bei der Verwaltung von Kontakten (Firmen, Kollegen, Freunde etc.), es bietet auch schnelle und komfortable Möglichkeiten, eigene Aufgaben, die mit diesen Kontakten in Beziehung stehen, mit den Kontakteinträgen zu verknüpfen.